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Since 1989, South Puget Sound Habitat for Humanity build's owner occupied, new construction, affordable housing for low income individuals and families in Thurston County.
SPSHFH has seen firsthand that the impact of owning a home and having affordable mortgage payments is powerful. It’s a home AND the foundation for a better life and a stronger community.
Home ownership strengthens communities, their neighborhoods, children, health and economy. Recently, we also developed a Critical Home Repairs program to address the many requests to help repair homes owned by low- and moderate-income families and serve more people in our community!
Our most recent project Deyoe Vista features 33 single family homes, two children's playgrounds and a community garden in the heart of Lacey off 37th and College Street.
With the next building phase kicking off in October 2020, we will be completing 5 homes and the Deyoe Vista community! Our next project is still in the planning phases and will have us building 28 townhomes in Tumwater designed by the local Artisans Group to feature a great layout and decrease our environmental footprint with their top notch energy efficiency.
Women Build 2019